Birdi for Power Distributors

Manage your power infrastructure with smart inspections

Transform your infrastructure inspection workflows with AI-driven insights and robust asset management tools.
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How Birdi helps power distribution companies

Process efficiency & automation

Do more with the resources at your disposal. Get productivity gains with a system that streamlines manual and repetitive work so you can focus on high-level preventative tasks.

Tackle any inspection requirement

Consolidate and configure your asset data and analysis into one adaptable platform. Connect all your asset capture, workflow apps and processes together to form an efficient and scalable solution.

Turn data into intelligence

Turn data into intelligence to prevent defects, outages and fire. By combining powerful AI tools and the instant flow of information, you will know exactly where you stand on power pole assets.

Ensure ongoing compliance

Leverage modern capture technology with AI to reduce asset failure and risk of non-compliance with regulation. When failure does occur, respond swiftly using data-driven intelligence.

Citipower & Powercor inspect power poles 4 X faster with Birdi

Find out how Citipower and Powercor improved their asset inspection rate of 11,000 power poles in their network.
Read Customer Story
4 x
faster pole inspection rate
more defects identified
Citipower & Powercor case study with Birdi

Core features for a streamlined inspection workflow

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Highlight faults using annotations

Quickly mark and track areas of interest on your power pole inspection images. With our easy-to-use bounding box tool, you can highlight defects, note maintenance needs, and capture critical details - ensuring nothing gets overlooked.

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CSV asset upload

Upload your power pole network easily via a CSV file and visualize each asset on the map at their precise location.

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Customize your asset register

Tailor your asset register with categories and sub-categories that match your inspection needs. Easily mark up images with specific classifications, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting of every issue.

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Set severity labels

Quickly identify potential functional failures by using severity labels that highlight the urgency and impact of defects. Apply your acceptance criteria to ensure critical issues are prioritized for repair, keeping your power network safe and reliable.

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Historical records

Access and review historical inspection records to track changes over time, enabling you to make informed decisions and identify long-term trends.

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AI fault detection

Leverage advanced AI technology to automatically detect potential faults and anomalies in your inspection images. Our AI fault detection enhances the accuracy and efficiency of your inspections, by identifying issues that may be missed during manual reviews.

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Downloadable reports

Create and download detailed inspection reports in CSV or PDF formats. These reports offer a clear overview of your power pole inspections, making it easy to share insights with stakeholders and meet compliance requirements.

Birdi enables a streamlined asset inspection workflow

Unlock enhanced efficiency and intelligence

Streamline inspections and reduce manual effort

Move away from time-consuming, manual inspections. Birdi helps streamline your data capture and inspection process, so you can efficiently manage your pole network.

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Streamline power pole inspections and reduce manual effort with Birdi
Prioritize asset repairs with a risk-based approach with Birdi
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Prioritize repairs with a risk-based approach

Use your own risk-based criteria tags to identify pole asset defects and unassisted failures. This ensures that urgent repairs are initiated promptly, while defects are tracked for future failure.

Make informed decisions with centralized data

Having all your inspection data in one place makes it easy to access, analyze, and gain actionable insights. With Birdi, you can confidently determine maintenance needs and reduce the risk of unplanned outages.

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Make informed decisions with centralized asset data in Birdi
Reduce pole compliance risks and improve safety with Birdi
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Reduce compliance risks and improve safety

Stay on top of regulatory requirements and ensure the safety of your infrastructure. Birdi helps you maintain a low failure rate and meet industry standards with ease.

Improve efficiency with automated reporting

Save time and reduce manual effort by generating automated inspection reports. Easily share clear, comprehensive insights with your team and stakeholders to support proactive maintenance and informed decision-making.

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Improve efficiency with automated reporting in Birdi

Plus all the geospatial features you need

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Visualize any data set
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Annotation tools
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Asset assessment
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RTK processing
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Textured mesh
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Annotation reports
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3D model viewer
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Collaboration tools
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Topography reports